Lockdown Support – NLP Connect
Category :blog Posted on April 23rd, 2020 by Rita Neligan Medcalf
Connection, Learning & Support
We trust that as you read this you are well and actively doing what you can to look after yourself and your community as you adjust to the changing circumstances impacting us all..
We want to help at this time and offer you every support we can, so that you are in the best possible spirits and can in turn support others through this unsettling time. With this intent in mind we have set up a series of free online video conferences called ‘NLP Connect’. Online sessions run fortnightly starting on Tuesday 31 March, for an hour from 18.30.
We plan to share practical ideas, techniques and processes that will help you, your clients, friends and family now and when we get to the other side of this current situation. We’ll be drawing on our experience in NLP, Self-Leadership, Coaching, Managing your Mood State and Organisational Leadership.
Each session has a specific theme eg Habits that Shape Our Lives; Satisfying Human Needs at times of Uncertainty; The Power of Beliefs … next session book here.