Paying Attention
Beliefs – limit and empower …
New Year Stretch
Update Dec’16

Summer Classes in Pausing, Pacing & Patience
So, the sun starts shining, the days get warmer and from nowhere comes the sneezing and then a tickly cough … and I'm knocked out for a week…
It's incredibly unusual for me to have any more than a day or two with a runny nose throughout the year so I have little practice at being poorly and I don't make a very good patient. Patience is what I needed this week
I felt annoyed, irritated and vulnerable as my cold got...
The Powerhouse of our Minds

10 Years of learning to be First . . .

Making 2016 Your Best Year Yet

The Local Bus and Other Useful Beliefs
How do you prefer to travel when you arrive in a strange place (or even an exciting new one}? Do you climb into the nearest taxi, which can usually be relied upon to get you to your destination in a straightforward manner? Or did you spend hours on the internet before leaving the house, checking and cross-checking transport timetables? How does hopping on the local bus sound?
Anyone can do it of course, however you may need to have certain useful beliefs before doing the hopping.
The first one is the belief that the bus will get you to or, at the very least, nearer to the place you actually think you want...